I believe in a Big God

I’m trying to be bold and courageous.

Its tough to be bold when you have so many insecurities going round in your head. I’m working on being courageous…sometimes it is more challenging than I think. Especially when it comes to my work and dealing with parents. But I keep praying God will help me to give all my anxieties to him.

I remember a sermon from last year based on the book of Joshua and about believing in a Big God. I really think Joshua of the BIble believed in a Big God. Some of the points that caught my attention were:

a) If God created us he cares for us, he does not abandon us.

b) believing in a big God does not cause me to live in fear of others or crave their approval or praise  when it is better to seek the love and and opinion of a Big God.

c) if we allow the material world to consume us sooner or later we stop noticing our souls.

d) be encouraged to hand over everything in prayer to God.

I am really learning to trust him, especially on those nights I’m alone in my house and hear creepy noises. haha

Psalm 34:4,7 ‘he delivered me from all my fears. The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him’. 

I am certain I believe in a Big God.

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